Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Ways Football Has Affected Society Essay Example for Free

The Ways Football Has unnatural Society EssayYou should answer ALL parts of ALL questions in this booklet. If you need more lieu for any answer, use the page(s) provided at the back of this booklet and clearly number the question. Check that this booklet has pages 211 in the correct order and that none of these pages is blank. YOU MUST HAND THIS BOOKLET TO YOUR TEACHER AT THE END OF THE ALLOTTED TIME. You are advised to spend 60 minutes answering the questions in this booklet. In the box below, name the extended natural surround you have studied. Large natural environment suspicion One patternsA large natural environment is a distinctive part of the earths surface and is defined by its common characteristics or elements. Each of these characteristics creates patterns on the earths surface. internal characteristics (elements) of an environment include climate landforms soils vegetation. Circle the deuce natural characteristics from the list supra whose patterns you wish to exempt in this question. (a) In the box below, draw an annotated sketch map or diagram of your chosen large natural environment to show the patterns created by TWO natural characteristics of your chosen environment.Title Key (b) amply explain the pattern created by EACH natural characteristic from (a) on your large natural environment. live your answer with detailed grounds. Characteristic 1 Characteristic 2 Question Two INTERACTIONs The natural environment is constantly evolving as the elements (characteristics) and processes interact with each other. The level of interaction varies in size (scale) over beat and from place to place. Natural characteristics (elements) of an environment include climate landforms soils vegetation.Circle the TWO natural characteristics from the list above whose patterns you wish to explain in this question. Discuss how the interaction between TWO characteristics varies from place to place in your large natural environment. In your answer, you shou ld explain how the characteristics interact fully explain how the interaction varies in contrary parts of the large natural environment use specific detailed evidence to support your answer. You may draw diagrams / maps in the box on page 7 to support your answer. Question Three PerCEPTIONS unalike gatherings of people and individuals perceive the natural environment in different ways. This perception can change over epoch. Peoples perceptions are shaped by their background, their experiences, and their involvement with the particular natural environment. Name TWO different groups OR individuals linked to the large natural environment you have studied. Group / individual 1 Group / individual 2 (a) Complete the table below to show the perception each group / individual held about this large natural environment at TWO different points in duration.In your answer, clearly state each point in time you are referring to, and include supporting evidence from your large natural environm ent. Group / individual Perception Perception 1 Point in time Point in time 2 Point in time Point in time (b) Fully explain why each group / individuals perception has changed over time. drop detailed evidence to support your answer. (i) Group / individual 1 (ii) Group / individual 2 pointless paper for continuing your answers, if required. clearly number the question. Question number Extra paper for continuing your answers, if required. Clearly number the question. Question number

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